Street Furniture Advertising Guide: Bus Shelters, Benches, & More

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Street furniture depicted by a bus shelter on a curb with two display panels colored in orange. A pole with a bus icon is next to it. A gray cityscape is in the background.

One of the greatest aspects of outdoor advertising (and part of the reason why it’s a favorable form of marketing among consumers) is how it seamlessly integrates into our environments. As opposed to causing disruptions as many online ads do, out-of-home (OOH) media attracts our attention in less forceful ways.

The greatest example of non-intrusive yet captivating marketing may be street furniture advertising, also referred to as street-level urban media. Street furniture includes just about any built objects situated along the street for public use. Examples include: 

  • Bus shelters
  • Benches
  • News stands
  • Transit stations
  • Kiosks
  • Bike shares
  • Trash cans
  • And more

Street furniture advertising engages commuters, drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and others as they go about their daily lives. Since street furniture advertising is mostly located in urban areas, you can count on a significant number of impressions and the potential for a diverse audience.

We created this street furniture advertising guide to help you better understand your options and the merits of this popular advertising form. Read on to learn more about bus shelters, benches, and more. Then drop us a line to view our available inventory in your target area.

Here’s what this guide will cover:

Types of Street Furniture Ad Formats

Street furniture advertising offers a range of formats, each offering unique advantages and opportunities for engagement. Here are some common types of street furniture ads:

Bus Shelter Advertising

Bus shelters are focal points in urban environments, providing shelter to commuters while they wait for public transportation. These structures often feature advertising panels that can display static posters as well as digital content. Strategically placed along busy streets and near public transit stops (and usually visible from intersections), bus shelter ads have high visibility among pedestrians and motorists alike.

Bench Advertising

Bench advertising turns bench seats or backrests into prime — and functional — advertising real estate. Benches are sprinkled across all sorts of public spaces including parks, bus stops, shopping districts, and other high-traffic areas. Offering individuals a place to rest and socialize, there is often high dwell time, which means more opportunity for ad engagement. 

Kiosk Advertising

Information kiosks are common sights in tourist attractions, commercial districts, and transportation hubs. These interactive structures provide valuable services to the public while also serving as prime advertising real estate. Brands can display their messages on kiosk panels, reaching both locals and visitors with targeted promotions and information.

Benefits of Street Furniture Advertising

Street furniture advertising offers a plethora of advantages for businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts and connect with their target audience in urban environments. Here are some key benefits of leveraging street furniture advertising:


Compared to other forms of outdoor advertising, street furniture advertising can be a cost-effective option for businesses of all sizes. With a range of formats and placement options, advertisers can choose solutions that fit their budget while still achieving their marketing objectives.

Maximum Exposure

Street furniture ads are strategically placed in high-traffic areas, ensuring maximum exposure to a diverse audience of pedestrians, commuters, and motorists. Whether it’s a bus shelter ad along a busy street or a bench advertisement in a bustling park, these placements guarantee visibility throughout the day.

Targeted Reach

Street furniture ads enable businesses to target specific demographics based on location. For instance, ads placed near transportation hubs can reach commuters, while those in commercial districts can target shoppers. 

Continuous Visibility

Unlike digital ads that disappear once a user scrolls past or exits the page, street furniture ads offer continuous visibility. Whether individuals are waiting for a bus, taking a rest on a bench, or passing by a kiosk, they are constantly exposed to your campaign, increasing brand recall and awareness over time.

Engages Audiences

Street furniture ads have the potential to engage audiences in unique and interactive ways. Whether through dynamic digital displays, QR code activations, or creative messaging, advertisers can encourage consumer interaction and create a memorable viewing experience.

In addition to the benefits listed above, street furniture advertising is popular simply because of its prevalence and importance in city life. In some parts of NYC, for example, it can feel as though you’re swimming in street ads. Street furniture can be seen in every corner of the city. 

Street furniture ads add to the vibrance of the city and can also be contextually relevant. 

Moreover, it’s a great opportunity for any industry. Whether B2B, healthcare, education, political, nonprofit, technology, lifestyle, beauty, and tons more, you can launch an effective and laser-focused campaign. You can hypertarget certain audiences by displaying your ad near particular neighborhoods or businesses, or you can reach a large sweep of people in bustling, central areas.

Bus Shelter and Bench Ad Costs

As with any outdoor advertising option, cost varies depending on location, estimated number of impressions, digital vs. static, and other factors. Note that the cost estimates below are not concrete and may be higher or lower than actual rates depending on the market.

In general, the cost of bus bench advertising can be anywhere between $300-$750 per four-week period. Keep in mind that it can be more cost-effective to choose a longer campaign duration. We often recommend that advertisers run their campaigns for at least 12 weeks to maximize results.

Bus shelter costs vary from $600-$2500, but many fall within the $800-$1785 range per four-week period. Pricing fluctuates according to market size and larger cities that have high transit commuter populations.

Creating Successful Street-Level Ads

Because street ads are typically located in high traffic areas, you’ll likely have some competition. With multiple advertisers vying for attention, creativity can be what sets you apart.

Designing an effective ad takes careful consideration. Your ad should be eye-catching without being crammed with information. It should include one strong call to action (CTA), one way for consumers to interact with you (a QR code, visit your storefront, visit your website, download your app, etc.), your logo, and some sort of engaging visual. 

Design specs can vary widely for bus shelters, benches, and other street furniture placements. Be sure to pay special attention to dimensions and other creative requirements to avoid any delays in production. You can streamline the process by working with a professional graphic designer. Alluvit Media offers in-house graphic design services at no additional cost.

Street Furniture Advertising Examples

We’ve helped launch campaigns on just about every form of street furniture. From bench advertisements to bus shelter panels, we provide advertisers with numerous options. Submit a form and receive an interactive proposal with placements in your target area. Here are examples of street furniture campaigns.